Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Well hello, welcome to my blog. Not like there are not millions like mine but...its my blog. My name is Kevin but I normally go by zell58 (or z3ll58) online. Im making this blog just so i can talk about video games, ones im playing and what not, so hey, i hope you enjoy and stick around

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kevin, I'm just one of your youtube followers.
    I really enjoy your lets plays, (and I kinda enjoy them because than I don't have to play those games myself, if I had the time, I would maybe play them myself though XD)

    Anyway, I actually wanted to post this on your youtube channel, but I apparently couldn't ^^'. I started not so long ago on my own game.
    At this point I'm only at designing and that kinda stuff, (even though I have 0% experience with programming XD)
    But I maybe thought you'd like to give it a look, and just check it out time to time... when I update the designs... when I do >.>'
    It's going to be an Fantasy/Science fiction/steampunk... RPG, with a bit of a mix of JRPG and western RPG.

    Here's a link to the folder => http://deniya.deviantart.com/gallery/40311676

    I don't know, maybe you'd like to give your opinion, that kind of thing.

    (PS; english isn't my main language, so I'm sorry if I sound a bit crapy with my typing...)
